Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby Calves and "O"ppossums?

Life is so exciting with three beautiful children! Last weekend we enjoyed another fall afternoon before the weather turned really cold. We went to Warvel Park in Manchester then had lunch at Dairy Queen. Although I never miss a chance to play at the park, what we did next was even more fun. We went to Alan Stouffers with Grandpa Darrell and did the farm chores. May not sound exciting to anyone but us city folks, but we had a blast. There were 15 baby calves to bottle feed, one GINORMOUS boar, four crazy dogs and a couple goofy goats. We all had a blast. At one point I called Abbie over to me by using her full name, Abigale. She said, "Don't call me Abigale, I like Abbie!" I guess she told me. Anyway, thanks Grandpa Darrell for the memories that I'm sure will last our lifetime.
Speaking of Abigale, this week has been a rough. Several months ago, with no explanation, Abbie decided she didn't want to sleep in her own bed. This week I decided that had to change. Multiple nights of crying, screaming, running around (and that's not even considering how Abbie was behaving, lol) We've begun a rigid bedtime routine starting with a bath and ending with a couple bedtime stories. When we were reading last night (which was a little better but I don't want to jinx myself) She gave special consideration to the "O" in Oppossum. It was very cute. We can only hope and pray that the advice of Super Nanny and Dr. Lehman have turned our bedtime around.
The rest of the clan has had a couple interesting weeks as well. Austin was cut from the basketball team again this year, but this time momma insisted on some answers. I discretely met with the coach after practice the next night to discuss what areas Austin could work on. The coach explained that Austin was the hardest cut he had to make and that he was a really good kid. He had offered Austin a spot as manager so he could practice with the team and had hoped Austin would accept. He also wanted me to know that of all the children cut that day (there were 5), that Austin was the only one that thanked him for the opportunity to try out. I was in tears. It isn't often as parents we get a glimmer of hope that we are doing something right. Anyway, he accepted and have been working hard to improve his skills. I couldn't be prouder of his humbling himself to practice with the team without the promise of playing time. Young Mr. Boggs also celebrated his 14th Bday since I last wrote. We were able to take him and seven of his friends camping over fall break. They had a lot of fun riding the bike trails and playing football and jail break. It was a really good time. The reservoir offered a lot of exploration since they had already been draining it. Can't believe I'm the mother of a 14 year old.
Miss Leigha and I were able to attend the Secret Keeper Girl conference that same weekend. We enjoyed the entertainment and touching messages presented. We learned a lot of tips about modest and how beautiful we all naturally are to our creator God. I especially enjoyed a little alone time with my girl. We went to Steak and Shake afterwards and then a little shopping. I am so very proud of the beautiful young lady she's becoming.

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